Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain in Pregnancy? You bet!

Chiropractic care is one of the best things that can be done to relieve the expectant mother's pain without the use of drugs which can be harmful to her unborn child and thus contraindicated during pregnancy. Pregnant women suffer from low back pain during pregnancy due to the physical changes their bodies are undergoing which are further complicated by the hormonal changes that are taking place during the pregnancy. As a result of the great weight in the front of the body, the center of gravity shifts more toward the back of the body, causing the normal spinal curve to increase and also the hip joints to rotate outward and the arches of the feet to flatten. All of these affected joints are supported by ligaments which are softened during the pregnancy by a hormone known as Relaxin which is produced by the woman's ovaries. Relaxin primarily affects the joints in the pelvis, softening them and preparing them for stretching during childbirth.


A doctor of chiropractic can check the spine to insure that the pelvis and vertebra are functioning together as a unit and are properly balanced. All this is extremely important for the pregnant woman who needs to have her body as healthy and strong as possible in order to handle the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth.


Other painful conditions that arise during pregnancy that are managed successfully with chiropractic care include upper back pain, headache pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are one of the many who suffer from these conditions, consider Yeomans-Edinger Chiropractic Center in your treatment plan.

404 Eureka Street

Ripon WI 54971
(920) 748-3644
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7:45 AM to   5 PM Friday

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Yeomans-Edinger Chiropractic Center, S.C.